You'd think that after six years of working with Chronic Fatigue I'd be at peace with having to take a day and rest. There was a time when I couldn't even take out the trash because one trip down and back up the steps to our front door was more than I could handle. I learned to be patient with it then. Now that I'm feeling better for some reason it's back to finding it hard to accept. Healing sometimes is about working through the layers of ourselves, like an onion. It's funny though, because sometimes the new layer looks an awful lot like one of the old ones.
One of my tricks to make myself rest is to watch a movie in the middle of the day. Love Netflix! Today it was Man on Fire with Denzel Washington. It started out really good, heartwarming, talking about moral and spiritual questions, giving hints of things maybe not being what they appear. But the hints became too heavy handed and the last half just degenerated into basic violent tough guy thriller. Plplplplplpl. It gets a raspberry from me. (There's no good way to spell that).
It was so nice outside I had to find a way to do nothing outside. So I tried to get shots of my garden companions. Here are some of the better ones.
Pippin and Chester
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