Tuesday, March 24, 2009

sourdough success!

Success! This is my third loaf this try. I've tried to bake bread before with very mediocre results. This is my best so far. The flavor was also good - a bonus! I do hope to develop even better internal structure. This loaf was baked in a cast iron dutch oven in my oven. The dutch oven keeps the moisture around the loaf and helps it to develop this lovely crust. The previous loaves I baked on a stone on the racks of the oven and they were over done and hard.

I read a Post on a blog today that was most honest and moving. Raven spoke about the inner demons that make even a disabled person disbelieve their own pain and feel as if they are just lazy and perpetrating a fraud. Her mother disbelieved her pain when she was a child and that became an inner lie that effected her for her entire life. This is a place where health and emotional health are so deeply interlinked.

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