Went back to the ranch again to visit best friend. Political tension was not so high this time, they were able to talk about other things as well. I figured out that the reason they had never before been so rabid about politics is because they never had Fox News before they moved here and got Dish Network. Now they believe everything they hear on that blighted network and I feared I had lost the only real soul friend I've ever had. This time she was back to her softer self and I felt a bit more comfortable. Also for the first time I used Caroline Myss's method of looking at the situation symbolically. It was greatly helpful because I was able to get past feeling threatened by their vitriol and being able to feel loving toward them even as I hate their political conversation and mean spirited jokes, because I approached it from a sense of security in myself. And, having got past the spewing we even actually were able to have one of the fulfilling spiritual conversations we so treasure.
It was lovely at the ranch, the grasses all growing and ripening. There were swallows nesting under the eves of the buildings and they were enchanting to watch.
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