Got fed up with not being able to make any progress on relaxing. Had a chi gung class where I was the only student who showed up, so asked Tai Chi Teacher about the pain in my hip associated with the psoas muscle. We determined that I probably have tendonitis where it attaches to the crest of the hipbone.
Went to see Dr. S (Doc of Traditional Chinese medicine) armed with a library of Chinese medicine books. The important point comes from "Web That Has No Weaver" by Ted Kapchuk. pg. 255:
"The Liver's blood is responsible for basic repose, unhurried cyclical movements, a gentle milieu, the absence of a need to go anywhere, and the easy sense of self-acknowledgement. the Liver's blood softens, moistens, and relaxes.
When the Liver's Blood is deficient, a person will be inappropriately tense, feel confined, nervously fidget, have tight tendons, stiff joints, or spasmodic movements."
This is definitely what I have been battling since I became ill, and both Dr. S and I suspect have had most of my life. I have never been flexible, always tense, and have a terrible time with self-acknowledgement. In all of my reading I kept coming back to things which pointed to Liver deficiency. When I asked Dr. S what kind of deficiency she said probably several, they overlap and exacerbate one another, and spread to other organ systems.
So she said she rarely gets to treat people for Liver deficiencies because of the time it takes and the expense, but if I was willing to commit to six months of herbal therapy she had a plan...
What's six months when you've been tight all your life? I'm feeling hopeful for the first time in a couple of years. I've tried so many different therapies to no avail, I don' t want a quick cure, I want one that works!
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